A Few Healthy Reminders

Following the arrival of the COVID-19 Coronavirus in Oregon, we feel the need to check in with our patients, and thought it wise to address a few concerns due to the uniqueness of this situation.

We are asking you to please stay home if you have flu-like or respiratory symptoms (fever/chills, coughing and sneezing uncontrollably, shortness of breath, or are caring for someone who has these symptoms). Please notify us as soon as possible if you will not be keeping your scheduled appointment. We will not charge for late cancellations due to illness.

We are reminding everyone to please wash your hands frequently, and cover your cough by coughing into your elbow or using a tissue. We recognize that many people have coughs due to asthma, allergies, and other conditions.

If you are not sick, we are encouraging you to continue with your regular acupuncture treatments to help relieve stress, and keep your immune system strong and healthy.

We appreciate you trusting us with your health care, and understand this can be a very stressful time. Please know that patient health and safety has always been a priority for us, and we will continue to keep the clinic clean and sanitized. We are asking everyone to please wash your hands, and/or use hand sanitizer before entering the treatment room.

Please let us know if you have any questions.

Sarah and Amy